Al Capone's Hideaway Up for Auction

Offered at a minimum bid of $2.6 million

If you make a killing at work, you may be able to afford a killer hide-out up north.

Al Capone's former Wisconsin safe house is up for auction next month, according to the Trib, and the sellers have their eye on Chicagoans.

Seems the foreclosed 407-acre property -- offered at a minimum bid of $2.6 million- plus comes complete with its own 37-acre private lake, 8-car garage and guard tower -- isn't attracting local buyers.

Perhaps the distinction of being recognized as one of Wisconsin's best gangster-related attractions really put the nail in the coffin.

Chippewa Valley Bank Vice President Joe Kinnear says they're reaching out to nostalgic Chicago residents who may be interested in it's rich and infamous history.

The foreclosure sale is set for 10:30 a.m. Oct. 8. Contact Chippewa Valley Bank for more info.

Below, footage from 1986, when Geraldo hosted a live television broadcast showing the opening Al Capone's vaults in Chicago.

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