A Chicago man is commending his daughter's nanny for putting her life on the line to help save the toddler.
Tyler Jones, 20 months old, was being pushed in a stroller by her nanny, 25-year-old Jennifer Anton, when a truck crashed into a group of pedestrians near Cedar and Rush streets.
Witnesses say Anton pushed Tyler out of the path of a direct impact. She suffered severe fractures to her pelvis, hips and legs, and her condition remains serious. Tyler was released from Children’s Memorial Hospital.
Hugh Jones calls Anton, who's been with the family for two years, an "angel on this earth"
"I do know that if she didn't do what she did, my daughter Kyler wouldn't be alive today," Jones said.
The driver of the pickup, Dwight Washington, 61,was held Monday on $400,000 bond. The Streets and Sanitation worker was on duty and driving a city vehicle when the accident occurred. He faces four counts of aggravated driving under the influence and bodily harm, two counts of misdemeanor DUI and ticketed for carrying alcohol, negligent driving and failure to reduce speed.
A law firm filed two lawsuits on behalf of Tyler Jones' parents and Anton Monday. They ask for an emergency order of protection to preserve the truck, its contents and surveillance videotape. It also includes counts against the city of Chicago for negligent supervision of Washington.
“There was a drunken City worker driving a City truck in a crowded neighborhood," lawyer Dan Kotin said. "In addition, based on eyewitness accounts, the City truck was traveling at an excessive rate of speed. Someone with the City of Chicago should have prevented this.”