Daley to Garbagemen: Drop Dead!

Vows to fire slackers

Being a garbage man in Chicago is actually a pretty good deal: a salary over $60,000 with up to 25 paid vacation days, for starters, and work on two- and three-man crews as opposed to the single-person crews many suburbs use. But the ride appears to be over.

Mayor Daley, already facing a tough budget that had him considering cuts in the Streets and Sanitation department, now vows to fire the slackers and loafers exposed in a report this week by city Inspector General David Hoffman.

"No one should be sleeping, loafing, drinking, quitting early or anything else," Daley said in response to the report. "When they identify these individuals, we're going to discipline and fire them."

And likely save money in a budget crisis by not replacing them. It's a dirty job, but some mayor has to do it.

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