Call it the ultimate Christmas surprise.
Jessica Fox and John Scimone were expecting their baby to arrive on January 20th, but Fox was startled by what happened at 2 a.m. Christmas morning.
"I said, 'I think my water broke,' and he said, 'yes, it did. Let's go,'" Fox said.
Sure enough, Fox was in labor, and they high-tailed it to a local hospital.
"Initially I thought that this could happen at any time, but as we were driving, I realized it will take awhile for the whole process to happen, so I was able to calm myself down," Scimone.
John Nicholas Simone weighed in a healthy 7 pounds 14 ounces.
"There's a lot of things that could potentially be wrong with him, and we didn't know how developed he was,"
Dr. Magdy Awad says it may actually be a blessing that the baby came early.
"As doctors and nurses we don't like to deliver big babies -- 7-8 pounds, that's pretty good," Awad said.
Fox was scheduled to take some parenting classes next week, but now she'll be learning on the job.