
Chicago Tops List of Cities Residents Are Moving From: Report

Many Chicagoans are apparently busy moving… out of the city.

According to a new report from moving company United Van Lines, Chicago was listed as no. 1 on the list of top cities residents are leaving. 

Chicago was followed on the list by numerous cities in the Northeast, including New York City, Nassau-Suffolk and Boston. 

The report, which was based on data collected from customers of the moving company, analysed domestic moves during “peak moving season,” or May 1 through Aug. 31. 

“Every year, the summer months continue to be the most popular time to move,” Melissa Sullivan, director of marketing communications for United Van Lines, said in a statement. 

Based on the data, Seattle, Dallas, Portland, Denver and San Francisco were the most popular metro areas for families to move to.

The results are similar to those put out earlier this year, which revealed the “most moved from states in 2016.” In that report, Illinois ranked no. 2 on the list with 63 percent of moves being outbound. 

The Midwest also saw more residents leaving than moving in, with 55 percent of all moves in the Midwest being outbound moves, with the exception of South Dakota.

Chicago also became the only major city to lose population in 2016, losing more than double the number of residents as it did the year before, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

While the city maintains its status as the nation’s third largest, Chicago lost 8,638 residents from 2015 to 2016, dropping from 2,713,596 to a total of 2,704,958.

That marked the third consecutive year the city had lost residents.

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