Bruce Rauner Slams Quinn as “Fundamentally Corrupt”

The GOP gubernatorial hopeful vows to end Illinois' "culture of corruption"

Bruce Rauner continues to deploy the two most powerful C-words in Illinois politics -- corruption and cronyism -- in his relentless, righteous crusade against Gov. Pat Quinn.

The multi-millionaire Republican businessman, running against Quinn for Illinois governor, slammed his rival as "fundamentally corrupt" in a blistering speech on Wednesday that invoked the shameful memory of Rod Blagojevich, whom Quinn and fellow Democrats would sooner dub "He Who Shall Not Be Named."

Rauner's campaign, however, is gleefully dredging up the sins of the not-so-distant past, tying in Quinn with his imprisoned predecessor and making him guilty by association. This week, his verbal grenades are fueled by reports of two separate investigations into wrongdoing within Quinn's anti-violence program and the Illinois Department of Transportation.

"The news this week that Gov. Pat Quinn is being investigated by Anita Alvarez for criminal investigation of corruption in his Neighborhood Recovery Initiative, his anti-violence program, and the news the inspector general is investigating corruption and patronage in the Department of Transportation just highlights how broken our culture is in Springfield and how our current governor, Pat Quinn, just like his predecessor, Rod Blagojevich, has engaged in significant corruption and patronage,” Rauner said during a press conference in Springfield.

“We have career politicians who are fundamentally corrupt and engaging in patronage cronyism and failing the people of our state, and we’ve got to dramatically change that culture,” he added.

Quinn's spokesperson responded with statement referencing Rauner's investment in "hundreds of nursing homes across the country" where he "saw the opportunity to make a buck by slashing the care of residents."

The Winnetka, Ill.-based Rauner filed a petition with the Illinois State Board of Elections on Wednesday that boasted more than 591,000 signatures supporting term limits for Illinois lawmakers, citing a desire to squash "the culture of corruption" in the state.

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