Anti-Rauner Political Ad Spoofs the Country Club Set

Quinn supporters mock the GOP governor candidate's moneyed voters

A new political ad targeting Bruce Rauner takes a big swipe at the country club set in a spoof worthy of Saturday Night Live.

The spot, released by the Illinois Education Association, arrived on the heels of an especially rough week for the Republican governor candidate after he admitted to joining an elite wine-of-the-month club where membership costs $140,000 and was also heard in a radio interview that made the media rounds confirming that he once proposed to eliminate the minimum wage entirely.

The Winnetka venture capitalist, who scored a welcome boost from Mike Ditka on Sunday, has made a concerted effort to shed his rich-guy image in an effort to appeal to the average Illinoisian who doesn't own nine homes. He even showed up to the State Fair riding a Harley.

Seizing on the income inequality issue, supporters of Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn have leveraged class angst to play the wealth card and portray Rauner as too out of touch to governor Illinois.

Amusing ads like this one, featuring caricatures of Rauner voters, are refreshingly un-serious, and that much more likely to stick in voters' minds.

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