If you haven't heard by now, the place to see and be seen was at the James Hotel this past Saturday for the official launch party for Michigan Avenue Magazine.
Notable celebs in the house included supermodel Cindy Crawford, actor/singer Terrence Howard, Michelle Williams, formerly of Destiny's Child, the latest Top Chef champion, Chicago's Stephanie Izard and Verne "Mini Me" Troyer. Yes, I wanted to ask Troyer about his sex tape scandal, but I didn't want to get kicked off the red carpet before I even got inside!
Needless to say, it was an interesting night. Howard -- who has been making the rounds the past couple of weeks pimping his first CD, Shine Through It -- and Williams, both performed. It's been interesting watching the newspaper accounts over the past couple of days. Bill Zwecker said the performances were were well-received all around, but both Neil Steinberg and Richard Roeper saw what I also witnessed -- a crowd that wasn't really paying attention to the performances, making Howard's low-key performance a little uncomfortable, even though he did a great job.
Now that the party's over, the city's left with a new upscale glossy magazine to consider. Is CS Magazine watching it's back? Time will tell whether it needs to. Check out the video of some of the red carpet action.