Don't ask if you should stay or if you should go. Just go. If you're a Clash fan, you won't want to miss seeing Clash tribute band London Calling at Chicago Calling V this Saturday, Dec. 20 at 8 p.m. at Schuba's, 3159 N. Southport Ave. Jam tribute band All Mods Conned, special guest Dag Juhlin (of Poi Dog Pondering) and members of The Midnight Shows, Skapone and other local bands will perform, as well. Admission is $10, and all proceeds benefit the school age music program at Carole Robertson Center for Learning in memory of John Slater III, a former band mate and friend of London Calling singer Phil Rockrohr. Slater died in the Cook County Building fire in October 2003 just five days after running his 10th marathon.
The John Slater III Memorial Brass and Percussion Ensemble made up of 32 students from the music program will open the show at 8:30 p.m. The past four Chicago Calling shows generated more than $8,000 to buy instruments for the students and fund the program.
Purchase tickets online or call Schuba's at 773-525-2508.