You can see his artwork in O'Hare and Midway airports. He's also done projects for prominent people like Mayor Daley, Congressman Rahm Emanuel and Prime Minister Tony Blair.
His name is Fernando Ramirez, a 31-year old artist with special needs. Thanks to Gallery 37 and the Project Onward studio and gallery, he and 25 other artists with special needs have been given the opportunity to develop their skills and showcase their work around the city.
The Project Onward studio and gallery provides artists with a workspace, professional guidance, and art supplies.
This holiday, you too can help these emerging artists.
On Saturday, December 13 from noon until 5pm, Project Onward will be hosting a holiday sale at the Chicago Cultural Center as well as the official unveiling of the "YES YOU CAN!" exhibit. By supporting these artists, you can help provide them with an earned income, a sense of personal achievement and recognition within the community.