The former first lady of Illinois, Patti Blagojevich, will go to the jungle to provide for her family, but only until her husband is vindicated.
Patti and her husband, former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, appeared on NBC's Today show to make the official announcement that she is going to Costa Rica to compete in 'I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!'
"I disagree with people who say I'm a celebrity," she told Meredith Viera on Today Thursday. "In this economic time, it's necessary for me to got to work and support my family. That's why I'm doing it."
She said that NBC wanted the former govrernor, but when that couldn't happen (Blago was barred from leaving the country to tape the show), the show's producers showed an interest in her.
While Patti Blagojevich goes to work for her family, the former governor will be 'Mr. Mom' to his two daughters, ages 12 and 6.
"He jokes that in a way she will have it easier competing in the jungle," says Glenn Selig, whose public relations firm represents Patti and Rod Blagojevich. "He knows how hard it is to take care of the kids and to run a home."
As the couple sat stiffly on a couch awaiting the interview, Rod Blagojevich chided his wife.
"Just think, when your in the jungle with bugs crawling on you," he said, this will seem like nothing.
The former governor will be pulling for his wife as she competes on the show for a chance to be win top prizes for charity and for her family.
Even though he won't be traveling to Costa Rica to be a contestant, the former governor will be involved in the program in other ways which will be a surprise, says Selig.