Jennifer Love Hewitt's ‘Twilight' Obsession: I'm On ‘Team Edward!'

Jennifer Love Hewitt may be "The Ghost Whisperer," but the actress also has a thing for vampires. And one bloodsucker, in particular, has caught her eye – Robert Pattinson.

"Who's not Team Edward?" she asked MTV News at 2009's Comic-Con in San Diego."There is not a girl in the world who's not Team Edward! Have you met girls who are not Team Edward? Well, they are not girls! They're aliens from another planet who should not be allowed to exist."

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While Jennifer was there to promote the fifth season of her CBS show, she was disappointed that she missed the "Twilight" gang.

"I wanted to see them so badly, but they were here before I got here, so I was bummed that I missed them," she added. "But I'm hoping that some of the 'True Blood' people are still here so that I can see them, 'cause obviously I have a vampire thing."

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But she admits that perhaps it was a good thing that she missed out on meeting her favorite undead actor, Robert Pattinson.

"I'd pass out [if I met him]. I can't talk about it, 'cause I'd pass out," she told MTV News. "It's because he's Edward. Listen, Edward can fly you through the forest. He's like Aladdin with vampire teeth — there's magic-carpet rides. He can sing. He can watch you sleep. He plays music. He sniffs your neck. I mean, please!"

Not only is Jennifer a Twi-hard, but she's also lobbying for a role in one of the "Twilight Saga's" films – for both her and her boyfriend, Jamie Kennedy.

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"I want a part so bad. Any part's fine. I will be the vampire who carries Robert Pattinson's luggage in the airport, that is the part that I will play if they need it. Jamie wants to play a werewolf, so we're both putting it out there," she joked.

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MORE ACCESS ON THESE TOPICS: Jennifer Love Hewitt - Twilight - Comic-Con - Robert Pattinson - Jamie Kennedy

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