Blago Aced Ethics

Governor initiated mandatory ethics test for state employees

This one is sort of like when prosecutors known for being tough on drunk drivers get arrested for DUI themselves, only times a hundred. Gov. Rod Blagojevich, it turns out, initiated mandatory ethics tests for state employees that includes a section of hypotheticals, such as what to do if someone is offering a gift. Even a bleepin' golden one, we presume.

Better still, it turns out that the governor himself has taken (and apparently passed) the 90-page ethics test - five times and as recently as last May. (Watch the part in this report by Fox Chicago's Larry Yellen where Jay Stewart of the Better Government Association tries not to laugh.)

Well, look, he's often said himself that he didn't do well in school and spent much of his time at Pepperdine surfing instead of studying the law. But still.

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