THE GLASS SLIPPER: Feel a little like Cinderella some days? Don’t we all? Head to Robin Richman and treat yourself during their “Search for a Cinderella Foot” event, happening now. The store’s stunning spring '09 Marsell shoes are marked down to incredibly low prices. Now you can clean up after your evil step sisters in style.
THE GOLDEN TICKET: Head to The Golden Triangle from August 7 to August 15 for its first-ever warehouse sale in honor of the store’s 20th anniversary. Get 50 percent off antique and custom-designed pieces to amp up your home décor. Spice things up with new chairs, tables, beds or armoires..
BARREL OF STYLE: Save up to 15 percent off the ultra popular Basque furniture collection at Crate and Barrel, including the new sexy java finish. Scoop up the 65-inch dining collection for $539, regularly priced at $599.