With Easter gatherings canceled this weekend due to the coronavirus pandemic, many will be forced to host their own meals at home.
Not ready to cook your own Easter dinner?
We put together a list of places where you can get carry-out or delivery meals to save your feast.
Chicago Restaurants Dishing Out Easter Brunch and Dinner:
- Chuck’s Southern Comforts Café (http://chuckscafedarien.com/easter-catering/)
- The Great Escape (https://greatescaperestaurant.com)
- Movable Feast + Co. (http://moveablefeastandco.com)
- Biagio events & catering (https://www.biagioevents.com/easter-catering-menu)
- Francesca’s Restaurants (https://www.miafrancesca.com)
- Seasons 52 (https://www.seasons52.com/brunch?cmpid=br:s52_ag:ie_ch:eml_ca:S52Q420E45TOGO_dt:20200331_vs:1NV_in:ToGo_pl:easterdinnercta_rd:89d457585cd64dfba6aaa4a2df72c57a)
- Edelweiss (http://www.edelweissdining.com/happenings.php)
- Sixty Four Wine Bar & Kitchen (https://sixtyfourwinebar.com/events)
- The Capital Grille (https://www.thecapitalgrille.com/home)
- Eddie V’s (https://www.eddiev.com/home)
- Prairie Grass Café (http://www.prairiegrasscafe.com)
- Fogo de Chao (https://fogodechao.com/easter/)
- The Drake Oak Brook (https://www.thedrakeoakbrookhotel.com/easter.htm)
- Antico Posto, Oak Brook (https://www.antico-posto.com/)
- Perry Steakhouse & Grille (https://perryssteakhouse.com/locations/il/chicago/oak-brook/)
- Siena Tavern (https://sienatavern.com/#About) – Brunch
- Prime & Provisions (https://www.primeandprovisions.com) – Brunch
- Carnivale Chicago (https://www.carnivalechicago.com) -Brunch
- The Rosebud (https://rosebudrestaurants.com/easter-dinner-family-4-6-specials/)
- Catch 35 – Naperville (http://www.catch35.com/easter-brunch-2020/) – Brunch/Lunch
- Modern-day convenience store Foxtrot is offering Easter basket delivery options to send to your family and friends that will ensure Easter at home includes something special.
The Adult Easter Basket ($50) includes:
· Outer Sounds Sauvignon Blanc
· Berry Sour Gummy Mix
· Plain & Sweet Crispy Cake
· Pump Street Dark Chocolate Eggs (Green & Yellow)
· Fatty Sundays - Toffee