
Tips to Keep Your Dog Happy and Calm During Fourth of July Fireworks

The loud noises can cause a normally calm dog to become fearful and run away

Fireworks are a hallmark of Fourth of July celebrations, but they can cause problems for pet owners whose dogs become confused or traumatized by the loud noises.

About 25 percent of dogs suffer from extreme noise phobia, according to Cynthia Russell, the owner of Zen Dogs Chicago.

"They become extremely fearful," Russell said. "They will break out of their familiar backyard, bolt out the door, jump out of a car."

Due to the loud noises and extra activity surrounding the Fourth of July holiday, dog owners should make sure their pooches have microchips as well as a secure collar and leash in case they run away. Owners should also not leave their dogs outside unsupervised.

Follow these tips to make the Fourth of July weekend as stress-free as possible for your dog:

  • Sound proof the room where your dog feels safest by covering it with towels and blankets
  • Turn on fans or soft music to muffle the sound of the fireworks
  • See your dog's veterinarian about the possibility of prescribing anti-anxiety medication
  • Avoid tranquilizers
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