Steve Bartman Goes to the Movies

Fan interference goes Hollywood

Poor Steve Bartman. Will the headphone wearing, fan interference-poster boy ever get a break from scrutiny?

Apparently not.
Bartman is as much a part of Cubs lore as the Billy Goat, Ronny Woo Woo and losing.
Now he’s getting his own documentary.
ESPN announced this week that they will air an hour-long look at one of the hardest-luck fans in sports. Alex Gibney, who gained accolades for his Oscar-nominated Enron documentary, wrote and directed the film about Bartman.
The sports channel said that Gibney’s documentary will attempt to answer the question: Can Bartman ever forgive Chicago?
That’s where things get a little sticky.
Sure, it’s widely accepted that Bartman didn’t cause the Game-6 collapse in 2003 (if you remember that painful night, it was clear that Mark Prior had a meltdown and shortstop Alex Gonzalez forgot how to field ground balls), but forgiving Chicago? Please. We’ve got nothing to apologize for.
The Bartman doc, which still lacks a title, will be part of ESPN’s “30 for 30” series, which celebrates the channel’s 30th anniversary with 30 sports-themed documentaries.
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