Jake Arrieta Pays Up on Tattoo Bet With Tommy La Stella

It took nearly six months, but Chicago Cubs pitcher Jake Arrieta finally paid the piper this week after losing a tattoo bet to Cubs infielder Tommy La Stella.

The bet, made during the College World Series, dictated that the loser would have to get the logo of the winner’s school done as a tattoo after the game was over. Arrieta, who went to TCU, ended up losing that bet as La Stella’s alma mater of Coastal Carolina defeated the Horned Frogs in the semifinals of the College World Series.

On Friday, Arrieta posted a picture of his new ink on Twitter:

It’s unclear where Arrieta got the tattoo, or how big it actually is, but the point remains that he finally paid up after losing the bet to La Stella. There’s little doubt that the big right-hander will try to get even at some point during the season, but unfortunately he won’t have an opportunity during the regular campaign as the two schools aren’t scheduled to play one another in 2017.

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