
Bank of America Chicago Marathon Training Week 9: Time to Evolve

I was able to do that at the beginning of this week just fine

In Marathon Moment 9, John Honcharuk, licensed athletic trainer with Athletico, talks about proper foot care for runners training for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon.

This was a bad week. I thought I got off to a great start. I managed to get in a HIIT workout to beef up my strength training along with my mileage. 

I was able to do that at the beginning of this week just fine. I got in another scheduled speed run to supplement my eventual 13.25 mile long run. 

Unfortunately, a summer cold grabbed me and held me down. I thought I was almost over it and was hopeful to squeeze in my long run at the end of the week. I even made sure to bring homemade chicken soup with me to work to try to heal as the days went on. 

I tried every remedy I could think of, but my body had other plans. I have long dealt with asthma issues and had an attack early one morning. 

I went to see a doctor and it was what I have come to expect with having asthma, Bronchitis. Antibiotics and rest were the doctor’s orders and I’ve been taking that seriously.

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