Sam Adam Jr.: I Gave the Best Performance I Could

As he left Dirksen Federal Court following his closing argument, Sam Adam Jr., said he didn't know his argument came off, but he'd given the best performance he could for his client.

"How I did I don't know," Adam Jr.. said as he was nearly pinned by reporters outside the revolving doors of the courts building. "What I did was just the best I could do and that's what I promised the governor and I delivered everything I possibly could. I put my heart into it. I don't if anybody could see it and not think I did the best I could. I just hope it was enough."

Asked what the one message he wanted to leave the jury with was, Adam Jr. said it was simply that Rod Blagojevich was not a corrupt man.

Adam Jr. did say, to the surprise of no one, that he did not feel he was able to give the closing he wanted to give.

"Well of course I didn't feel like I could give the closing argument I wanted to give," Adam Jr., said. "I wanted to get into all the things and all the people and all the witnesses they didn't call.

"But at the end of the day, we sat down last night and made a determination: What was best not for my ego, not for what I wanted to do, but what was best for my client. And what was best for the client was for me to get up there and give the performance I gave."

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