Pro-Stroger Fliers Allege “Irish” Conspiracy

"Soldiers for Stroger" refer to Daley, Quinn and Madigan as "massa"

Leaflets apparently distributed by Todd Stroger supporters outline an "Irish" conspiracy coordinated by Mayor Daley, Gov. Quinn and Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, according to one of the flier's distributors.

The fliers, published by "Soldiers for Stroger," encourage voters to vote for Stroger "in the spirit of Black History Month," but also refer to Daley, Quinn and Madigan as "massa."

The flier includes photos and derogatory nicknames for several additional politicians, including Commissioner Robert Steele ("Boy"), Water District Chief Terrence O'Brien (""Cracker Boy" Bottom Feeder"), and Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown ("Ass Kizzy").

The fliers exhort recipients to support Stroger by calling two phone numbers, one of which is the number for Wallace "Gator" Bradley, a gang member-turned-activist who worked on the re-election campaign of Judge Michael Hyman.

"They're not just my fliers, they're the community's fliers," said Bradley.

"We have a problem, when we see Irish men coming into our community convincing African-American men and women to split the vote," he said, apparently referring to the current battle for the Cook County presidency between Stroger and Brown.

Bradley also said that current officeholders are attempting to bankrupt Cook County by denying it revenue sources and relying on furloughs to save money. The fliers are meant to get people to vote for Stroger and the five commissioners who supported the penny-on-the-dollar tax increase, he said.

Stroger's office denied any association.

“The Stroger for President campaign did not produce or distribute the flyers in question," said a spokesperson. "The Stroger campaign does not endorse or condone this type of behavior or activity.”

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