Why Sarah Palin Can't Win Over Illinois GOP'ers

Sarah Palin may be a big draw with tea-partiers, hockey moms and ultra-conservatives, but she doesn’t attract Illinois politicians.

Few Illinois GOPers plan to attend the former vice presidential candidate’s May 12 fundraiser at the Rosemont Theater.

Mark Kirk’s not going. Bill Brady’s not going. Bob Dold’s not going. And a schload of down-ticket Republicans? Not going either.

That's because Palin doesn’t play with Illinois’ moderate voters, experts say, and no candidate wants to take a chance of damaging their chance during a year when the Democrats appear wounded.

None of the candidates would say so publically -- speaking out against Palin could have the same effect as embracing her. But  having a picture taken with Palin could hurt in November when voters go to the polls.

So here go the excuses:

Kirk has a vote in D.C. on May 12. Dold, who’s running for Kirk’s 10th District Seat, pledged to attend a different fundraiser that day. And Brady doesn’t have alternate plans, but his people say he’s not going.

The Palin event is expected to bring in reams of cash for the Illinois GOP, and it’s a safe bet each of the candidates will accept some of that cash. But they won’t be there in person. 

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