Obama, Clinton Send Letters to Sen. Kirk

Republican senator remains in intensive care after having an ischemic stroke over the weekend

Well wishes to Sen. Mark Kirk, who had an ischemic stroke over the weekend, have arrived from The White House and beyond.

President Obama sent the Republican senator a handwritten note, Ward Room is told. It read, in part:

"... Michelle and I have you in our thoughts and prayers. Good luck on what I'm sure will be a speedy recovery."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's note was typed, though it had a handwritten portion.

"... while the road to full recovery may look long and daunting, please know I join your family, friends, colleagues and supporters in cheering you on. Stay strong, keep positive and heal fast."

She added in her own handwriting:

"Let me know if there's anything I can do."

The news comes after after an announcement from the Republican senator's doctor indicating a second surgery to relieve brain swelling. Two small pieces of tissue "previously destroyed and rendered non-functional" by the stroke were removed during the surgery, which doctors said was completed without complication and deemed a success.

Kirk remains in the Intensive Care Unit at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

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