Obama to Chicago: “Have My Back”

In an interview with WGCI Tuesday morning, President Obama said the success of his remaining term would depend upon voters in Chicago.

"Today is election day, so i just want to make sure ... I need everybody to turn out to the polls today," Obama said. "You can make a difference today and how well I'm able to move my agenda forward over the next couple of years is gonna depend in part on folks back home having my back."

During the interview, Obama also warned that a GOP victory would have consequences for education.

"If the republicans have their way, they will be able to cut the bduget for education by 20 percent and that means that young people directly could see their Pell Grants reduced by 20 percent or their loans reduced by a certain percentage at a time when education is expensive and necessary," Obama said.

But the election forecast doesn't favor the President's party in Illinois. The last major poll before the election has both gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady and Senate candidate Mark Kirk ahead in their races by five and four points respectively.

WGCI.com Audio: Interview with President Obama 

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