F-Bomb Alert: Biden's in Peoria

Scheduled to deliver keynote at anti-violence fundraiser

It's not every day that the vice president comes around. When he does, some might say it's a big freakin' deal.

Such might be the case on Wednesday, when Vice President Joe Biden delivers the keynote speech at a fundraiser for an anti-violence group.

Nearly 1,100 people have shelled out $50, $75 and $100 per plate for the "Partners in Peace" brunch, which begins at 11:30 a.m. at the Peoria Civic Center.

The vice president will be accompanied by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and former Rep. Ray LaHood, R-Ill., who is secretary of the Department of Transportation and a native of that city.

Biden wrote 1994's Violence Against Women Act, his aide said, which led to creation of the Peoria County Family Justice Center, a collaborative effort involving prosecutors, courts, law enforcement, probation officials and The Center for the Prevention of Abuse.

His appearance comes eight days after an open microphone recorded him dropping the F-Bomb in a remark to the President as he was about to sign the just-passed health insurance reform legislation.

The vice president is no stranger to gaffes, and President Obama on Tuesday poked a little fun at Biden during an appearance in Alexandria, Virginia.

After signing the health care reconciliation act into law, Obama thanked the vice president's wife, Dr. Jill Biden.

"Thank you, Dr. Biden, for that outstanding introduction. And for putting up with Joe," the president said.

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