Does Oprah Support Rahm?

The queen of talk hints at her favorite, and David Axelrod discusses the Mayoral campaign.

Oprah Winfrey is friends with Mayor Daley, and she publically endorsed Barack Obama for president.

But what does she think about Rahm Emanuel?

After the queen of talk appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe Friday, Mary Ann Ahern had a chance to speak with Winfrey back stage.

She asked Oprah if she would miss Chicago politics.

"I won't miss the politics," she said.

But when asked if she had thoughts on who would win the race to replace Daley, Oprah said: 

"Yes, I have some serious thoughts on that."

"Would you like to share?" Ahern asked.

"No I would not," she said, walking away.

Then, just before engaging with Reverend Jesse Jackson, Oprah said:

"My thought is the person who's going to be mayor ... I know who that is," she said.

Does Oprah have inside information on the Mayor's race? Is she talking about Rahm Emanuel when she says she know's who the next mayor is going to be? The polls say yes.

But she doesn't want to share.

Also on hand at the Morning Joe taping was former White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod, who also had some thoughts on the Chicago mayor's race.

He said he thinks Emanuel is running a strong campaign that's thriving across ethnic groups in the diverse city.

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