Biden Rallies to Bolster Quinn's Campaign

National Democrats are pulling out all the stops to help a struggling field of Illinois Democrats.

Vice President Joe Biden is the latest prominent Democrat to head to the Prairie State to help out the party's ticket. The gaffe-prone VP threw his support to Gov. Pat Quinn, who's locked in a tight battle with Republican Bill Brady for control of the state.

At a "Putting Illinois Back to Work" rally at a plumber's union on the city's West Side, Biden said Quinn has been good for jobs in the state and called Brady a "cookie cutter" Republican who doesn't have a plan to fix things.

"I talked before about the mess President Obama and I inherited," said Biden.  "Pat, I think you inherited almost as big a mess. Pat didn’t complain. He got to work. He passed a law giving small businesses a $2,500 tax credit for every person they’d hire.”

According to the Secret Service, there were about 1,700 people at Tuesday's event.  Another 300 people were left outside, unable to get into the event.

The Quinn campaign said it believed the audience was one of the largest to attend a rally by the vide president.

Biden follows on the heels of President Barack Obama who was in town last week to help embattled senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias raise money for his campaign, which is lagging behind opponent Mark Kirk by a wide margin in the fund raising game.

Later this week Michelle Obama hits town to help wrangle the dollars as well.

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