Woman Looks to Sex Doll To Slow Traffic

"I thought that drivers would slow down if I could give them something worth looking it," she told the Mirror

Speeding Chinese drivers are slowing down to gawk at a scantily-clad blow-up doll — and that's exactly what the retired woman who put her there wanted.

Fed up that local cops weren't doing anything to slow down traffic near her home in Ningbo, China, Lin Chen took matters into her own hands, the Mirror reported.

The 67-year-old dressed an inflatable sex doll in lacey lingerie and strapped it to a tree next to a crosswalk, banking on speeding motorists to rubberneck, according to The Huffington Post, citing Chinese-language newspaper Tiexue.

"I thought that drivers would slow down if I could give them something worth looking it," she told the Mirror.

"It isn't a method we would use, but we can't say it isn't working," a police spokesman said.

It was not immediately clear how the stunt had worked — nor why the woman had a blow-up doll handy.

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