Vatican Takes a Bite Out of Twilight

Church officials express concern about the teen sensation

Thousands of fans camped out in Westwood for a week, magazines featuring Twilight stars are flying off the shelves, and the midnight showing of New Moon broke box office records.

But how do R-Patz and K-Stew know they’ve really arrived? When the Vatican has something to say.

The Vatican has released its review of the latest installment in the vampire saga, and it’s not good. In fact it's “deviant” and a “moral vacuum.” That hurts more than a werewolf bite.

The governing body of the Roman Catholic Church objects to the supernatural references in the Twilight series.

"This theme of vampires in Twilight combines a mixture of excesses that, as ever, is aimed at young people and gives a heavy esoteric element," said the Vatican's culture council leader, Monsignor Franco Perazzolo.

The Vatican’s stance on the film comes as a bit of a surprise since they have recently taken a more relaxed approach to Hollywood blockbusters. The latest Harry Potter movie, which clearly involves the supernatural, has been approved and even the sequel to The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons was labeled as “harmless entertainment.”

Sorry Rob and Kristen, it seems not everyone loves Twilight after all.

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