Central Intelligence Agency

U.S. Spy Chief Creates a New Head of Election Security for Intelligence Agencies

Dan Coats' move came amid growing concern about foreign threats to the 2020 election, and little evidence that the Trump White House is engaged on the issue

The nation's top spy has created a new job to coordinate the U.S. response to election security threats, NBC News reports.

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats announced Friday he has established the position of intelligence community election threats executive — and appointed a career official, Shelby Pierson, to serve in this new role.

Pierson will serve as the agency's principal adviser on threats to elections and matters related to election security, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said in a statement. She will coordinate and integrate all election security activities, initiatives and programs across spy agencies and synchronize intelligence efforts in support of the broader U.S. government, the statement said.

Coats also directed the FBI, the CIA and other spy agencies to name a single lead for election security for each agency.

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