The “Daydream Nation” Trailer Is Here Again

We love us some Kat Dennings and Sonic Youth, so how bad can a movie be if it stars the former and is named after the latter's groundbreaking album?

The trailer for "Daydream Nation" first started kicking around cyberspace last summer, but with the film's May 6 release right around the corner, the "official" version is here. This thing is so fresh it's not even on the film's website as of 11 o'clock this morning.

Here's the film synopsis if the trailer didn't make things clear enough for you:

Seventeen-year-old Caroline Wexler (KAT DENNINGS) is facing a teenager’s nightmare: her widowed father has moved them from the big city to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. When Caroline realizes she has nothing in common with the burnout losers in her new school she pursues the one person with who excites her interest – her handsome young teacher, Mr Anderson (JOSH LUCAS). A bizarre love triangle ensues between Caroline, Mr Anderson, and a sweet, but troubled classmate (REECE THOMPSON). Featuring a hit indie soundtrack in this mash-up of the bizarre and the beautiful, DAYDREAM NATION is a coming-of-age story for the 21st century.

We like the trailer and Dennings and Lucas and Sonic Youth, but the fact that it's taken this long to come out, coupled with its home video release coming just 11 days later gives us pause. Don't get us wrong, we're gonna see it, but...

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