Conan O'Brien Just Made a Peanut Butter Lover's Day

Coco decided to follow one random person on Twitter

Until today, Conan O'Brien had not followed back any of his more than half a million followers on Twitter. Friday afternoon, that changed: He decided to follow one random person, Sarah Killen from Michigan.

O'Brien tweeted: "I've decided to follow someone at random. She likes peanut butter and gummy dinosaurs. Sarah Killen, your life is about to change."

The transformation has already begun -- since O'Brien followed her, her number of followers has skyrocketed. As of this post's publication, Killen has 4,824 followers. When Techcrunch posted just after O'Brien's tweet, she had just 1,300.

It took Coco's sole followee around 30 minutes to acknowledge her fame via Twitter, "Having a lame a** day, Russell Bigos is an idiot. And Conan O'Brien is THE SHIT."

She added an hour later, "I knew that randomness would pay off for me one day," and "OMG. this is Fantastically exciting."

This, if nothing else, should be a convincing factor for those who still don't see any use for social media. When else have celebrities been able to directly affect the life of a fan with the simple click of a mouse? No cameras at her front door, no ambushes at the office -- just a the decision to "Follow LovelyButton."

It will be interesting to see how Killen's feed changes with her new pack of followers.

Until today, her account had been typically boring, complete with zero @replies or links, but within an hour she retweeted her fiance who wrote, "sweet, i get to marry this woman, maybe i should make conan my best man...@LovelyButton."

Update: MTV News caught up with Killen via Skype:

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