Canned Caddy Lashes Out at Tiger Woods

Hell hath no fury like a caddy scorned.

A day after Tiger Woods sacked his caddy of 12 years, Steve Williams struck back at the golf superstar, telling CNN's Mediaworks he lost respect for his old boss when his sordid personal life unraveled.

"Well, I think when you're great friends with somebody and a situation like this occurs, you obviously lose some kind of respect," Williams said.

Woods' marriage broke up at the end of 2009, after his then-wife learned of a string of extramarital affairs. The development shocked the sports world, and forever damaged Woods' carefully manicured image.

Still, Williams was more than prepared to stand by the golfer. That's why he was dumbstruck when Woods told him they were kaput.

"I've stuck by him through and through," Williams said. "Now he decides things aren't going well for him, and I'm down the road, so the timing's very disappointing."

Woods seemed gracious enough in letting his longtime pal go.

"I want to express my deepest gratitude to Stevie for all his help, but I think it's time for a change," Woods said on his website. "Stevie is an outstanding caddie and a friend and has been instrumental in many of my accomplishments. I wish him great success in the future."

But Williams hinted that he may tell more of the story in the future.

"You know, when I write my book, it'll be the time I decide what I write," Williams said. "It'll just be one of those interesting chapters in the book."

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