
What's the Most Popular Christmas Candy in Illinois? Survey Reveals State's Top 3 Picks

Sondeo revela cuáles son los dulces favoritos de la Navidad en Illinois

A lining of five Santa Clause shaped candies in front of the Christmas tree bokeh

With the holidays coming up, a survey dished on the most popular Christmas candies across the U.S. compiled responses from 16,000 customers, cross-referencing its findings with seasonal observations from major candy manufacturers and distributers. The bulk candy shop then created a map outlining each state's top three picks.

So, what's popular in Illinois? Well, it's not the classic candy canes you may have had in mind.

Chocolate ruled supreme over the state, with the survey placing M&M's in third and Hershey Kisses in second place.

Peppermint bark came out on top as Illinois' most popular Christmas candy. The sweet also took the crown in seven other states, four of which are in the Midwest.

As it turns out, candy canes are not as popular as you may think. In fact, the survey states the red-and-white treats are often deemed the worst Christmas candies, with people citing that it's difficult to unwrap and eat as the main reasons for the candy canes' downfall.

A rather untraditional candy popped up on the rankings, too. Starburst edged out all other sweets to reign as the seasonal frontrunner in Wisconsin, as well as Nevada.

To see each state's top three popular candies for this Christmas, click here.

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