What to Watch at Ideas Week: Alexis Ohanian

There's a lot to wrap your mind around with the approaching Chicago Ideas Week, and we're helping with series of speaker profiles designed to highlight the benefit to you.

In this profile: Alexis Ohanian

Accolades: Ohanian is the co-founder of Reddit, a social-voting news website aiming for the self-proclaimed geek audience. He also founded Breadpig, which sells unique (admittedly nerdy) products and donates all profits to good causes – so far, to a total of $188,443.15.
Why you should care: Reddit - where the readers themselves control the front page by voting on stories - has grown from around 700,000 page views per day to same number in 15 minutes. While it may not be as well-known as Facebook or Twitter, as a social network it’s pretty influential – search the Internet for “reddit” and you’ll get page after page of mentions. For a company with a small development team (only five) its 18.8-million monthly visitor count is more than impressive.
Ohanian’s newest brainchild, Breadpig, aims to “make the world suck less” by selling products and donating all the profits to causes like this one
The company says its main inspiration is “discovering and promoting fascinating technology, hacks, and ideas from all over the world that inspire and impress us.” 
When you can see him: To be announced.
See the full list of speakers and events here.
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