Can You Recycle Leftover Holiday Gift Wrap? Here's How You Know

As the holiday weekend wraps up, it often leaves behind a mess of unwanted gift bags, cards, bows and paper. 

But how do you know what you should throw away or recycle?

According to Chicago's Department of Streets and Sanitation, here's what you need to know about holiday recycling:

  • You can recycle your wrapping paper if:
    • You remove the bows or ribbons
    • The paper is not metallic or glittery
  • You can recycle your paper bags
  • Cardboard boxes can be recycled, but should be flattened first
  • Paper greeting cards can be recycled
  • Christmas trees can be recycled in Chicago, locations and dates to be announced
  • You cannot recycle Christmas tree lights
  • Ribbons and bows cannot be recycled, but they can be reused
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