Theories on the Bears' Bad Luck

On Friday, the Bears had to move practice because of bad field conditions. And then practice was stopped because of lightning.

Then, on Wednesday night, the lights went out in Bourbonnais.

The team had to move practice to a nearby high school to squeeze in as much practice as they could before Saturday night's pre-season opener.

That's a whole lot of bad luck in one week. What have the Bears done to incur the wrath of the Football gods?

Grizzly Detail investigated the matter, and we have a few theories:

  • The Curse of Cavallari: You had to go break her heart, didn't you, Jay? Drop her just after she had done a photo shoot wearing wedding dresses? I admit she was definitely inviting some bad karma with that decision, but come on. This girl knows a random assortment of ne'er-do-wells from her various stints in reality TV. You don't think one of those people can hook her up with a witch doctor?
  • Kreutz Gone Krazy: The center did not want to leave Chicago, but he was not re-signed. That did not sit well with him. On the way out of town, it is completely and totally feasible* that Kreutz left a curse on his way out of town.
  • Luck Done Run Out: Remember how last season, the Bears needed breaks to go their way to make the playoffs, and every single break went the team's way. The Eagles lost. The Vikings won. The Seahawks somehow made it to the second round of the playoffs so the Bears could exact their revenge. The law of good luck states that it can only go on for so long. All of these bad signs could be payback time.

Does it mean the season is doomed? Well, don't expect to win many coin tosses. The Bears could rise above this run of bad luck, but you better go outside, turn three times and spit twice to be sure.

* Not at all feasible

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