Tax Day Is Protest Day in Chicago

Members of the Tea Party and MoveOn protest growth of government, corporate "tax dodgers"

The protester cometh on Tax Day in Chicago.

Thousands of Tea Party members were expected to descend on Daley Plaza at noon on Monday to protest "out-of-control spending, unsustainable deficits and the unprecedented growth of government," organizers said in a statement.

"Our president should be ashamed of himself," Republican Rep. Joe Walsh said. "Every policy he believes in is destroying what made America great."

At Boeing headquarters on Riverside Plaza, residents protested 12 corporations that don't pay taxes, including GE, Bank of America and Boeing. Protesters called it the "Make Them Pay" event, when they'll deliver the company a "tax bill."

Tax Day protests are nothing new, especially in Chicago. And this year is no different.

In Daley plaza, potential presidential candidate Herman Cain was expected to address what turned out to be hundreds instead of thousands of protesters, along with Illinois Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh.

“We are very concerned with the direction of our country and our state,” said Chicago coordinator Steve Stevlic, who brought the Tea Party together. “The politicians in Washington and Springfield are worried about the next election, but we're worried about the next generation."

At Boeing HQ, protesters say they're fighting for people who actually pay taxes.

“During these difficult economic times, when all Americans are being asked to sacrifice, it is simply wrong that Boeing is shirking their American duty to pay their taxes,” said Mary Kaye, a local MoveOn member.

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