Surfers Take to Lake Michigan

Superstorm Sandy creates higher-than-average waves

City officials warned people to stay away from the shoreline as high winds continued to create higher-than-normal waves, but some adventurous people — surfers included — didn’t take that advice. Charlie Wojciechowski reports.

While Officials are warning people to stay away from Lake Michigan, surfing enthusiasts view the whipping waves as an opportunity.

Surfers wearing full-body wet suits took to the water near Lakefront Park in Whiting, IN.

"We don't get waves very often, so when we get 'em, you gotta go," surfer Nick Rymut told the Northwest Indiana Times.

"It's a lot of whitewater and the waves are pretty blown out, so it's a little harder to get out because the currents ae pretty strong, but on days that it's a little calmer, you'll see 30 people out."

The effects of Superstorm Sandy are creating waves as high as 25 feet on Lake Michigan, conditions that can be potentially dangerous. Depending on your view.

"It's the hardest sport I've ever done and the most fun," Rymut said.

Surfers were also spotted at Chicago's 57th Street Beach on Tuesday.

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