
See ‘Pre-Quiz' Illinois Lawmakers Given in Sexual Harassment Training Class

How would you score on a sex harassment training quiz? We've obtained a copy of the "pre-quiz" given to Illinois lawmakers.

Illinois lawmakers on Wednesday took part in the first-ever voluntary sexual harassment training class at the state capitol.

The training comes after a victim rights advocate voiced allegations of sexual harassment against state Sen. Ira Silverstein. Lawmakers responded in record speed, hiring a new legislative inspector general after it was realized the 27 complaints of misconduct had been ignored.

This training is viewed as the first step, with a new task force recommending where they go from here. Legislators also hope to set up a hotline for those afraid to speak publicly.

Here is the quiz:

A Practical Guide for Sexual Harassment Prevention

1 Sexual harassment is __________ sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
a. Unwarranted
b. Obvious
c. Unwelcomed

2. If your intentions are good, your behavior cannot be considered sexual harassment.
a. True
b. False

3. Sexual Harassment can occur outside of work and still be considered work related. Incidents that occur at a reception, fundraiser, banquet or speaking engagement are of the situations where work related harassment can occur.
a. True
b. False

4. Only legislative staffers share responsibility for ensuring that the workplace is free from sexual harassment.
a. True
b. False

5. A legislative assistant witnesses a colleague being harassed. Even though this involved a colleague, the witness can be considered _______ in this case.
a. An accomplice
b. Uninvolved
c. Nosy
d. A victim

6. Quid Pro Quo harassment is a form of sexual harassment when there is a request or demand of sexual favors in exchange for employee benefits or threatening retaliation if the favors are not given.
a. True
b. False

7. Dirty jokes and the use of explicit language in the workplace may be construed as sexual harassment.
a. True
b. False

8. Sexual harassment is not limited to physical conduct. It can occur any time that an individual is _________ another person's approaches, comments or discussions.
a. Avoiding
b. Uncomfortable with
c. Irritated by

9. Employees should report all incidents of sexual harassment without fear of discipline or retaliation.
a. True
b. False

10. Sexual harassment may include actions by members of:
a. Same gender
b. Opposite gender
c. Both the same and opposite gender

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