Internet Mocks Sammy Sosa's Odd Pinterest Page

Former Cubs player's publicist trying to "figure it out"

Either Sammy Sosa truly has no idea how social media works -- or he's discovered a genius way to cut through the digital clutter to attract followers and attention.

Whichever scenario is true, it's safe to say the former Chicago Cubs slugger -- who didn't make the baseball Hall of Fame Wednesday -- would probably fall short if there was a similar institution for digital marketing.

Sosa's official Pinterest page has produced its fair share of online mockery only one day after it was created. Look here, and here for a quick sample.

Pinterest allows users to categorize and post photos of interesting items they find online, but Sosa's page consists of several photos of himself in various poses wearing two different outfits, all with the same caption: "Sammy Sosa. Yes, I'm the real Sammy Sosa, and this is my Pinterest."

Judging by his page, Sosa also appears to be especially adept at sitting, texting -- and especially, pointing.

NBC 5 reached out to Rebecca Polihronis, director of marketing for Sosa's company Injex 21, which produces technology for a "needle free drug delivery system." (Too easy.)

Polihronis says she didn't know Sosa's Pinterest page was creating such an online reaction.

"I'm just trying to get caught up in social media, and bring his new businesses into the spotlight. I didn't expect people to find it so fast," Polihronis said. "I'm just playing around until I figure it out."

Polihronis said she couldn't comment on whether she plans to change their online strategy going forward.

And why should they? A traditional Pinterest page would never have created this much publicity.

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