Illinois College Plans Year-Long Reagan Celebration

Eureka College announces Reagan birthday celebration

It may be the Land of Lincoln and the Home of Obama, but its Ronald Reagan who's getting a year long birthday celebration here.

Eureka College, the small central-Illinois college where the Gipper went to school, is set to celebrate the 100th birthday of one of its most famous alumni, the former president, and GOP icon.

College officials say the year-long celebration will kick off September, 17, with European-American Business Council CEO Michael Maibach discussing his work on a commission on industrial competitiveness created by Reagan.

Other events include the Reagan Centennial Speaker Series, a premiere of the musical composition "Reagan in Illinois"  and a new Ronald Reagan Visiting Scholars program.

Eureka College is located just east of Peoria. Reagan graduated from Eureka College in 1932 and served 18 years on its Board of Trustees.

Of the four U.S. presidents who have come from Illinois, Reagan is the only one who was born, raised and educated here.

The former prez would have turned 100 on February 6.

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