Sisters Turn T-Shirts Into Treasures

QuilTee takes old t-shirts, sweatshirts and just about anything into a memory quilt. |

If you've got a T-shirt, sweatshirt, dance uniform or jersey that's lived out its useful life, a pair of sisters from south suburban Homewood can turn that material into something memorable and useful.

"I have three boys who accumulated many T-shirts rapidly over years. I wanted to make it into something meaningful for them and made my first t-shirt blanket for my son who graduated college four years ago. Everybody loved it," said Laurie Matasar, explaining the humble beginnings of QuilTee.

Matasar's sister also loved the idea and saw a futre in the blanket.

"I said, 'That’s a business.' Here was a way to take multitudes of T-shirts that she had, and everyone else had, and transform them into something meaningful and useful," said Nancy Rothstein.

The ladies are also doing special blankets for cancer patients called ComfortHer.

"The whole meaning -- the thought for it -- when someone comes home after cancer treatment, the family has been doing walks to raise money and find acure for cancer and they have all theses t-shirts. The person recovering has this to wrap themselves in," said says Matasar.

Scraps from both projects are re-used or recycled into rags. The ladies said the blankets, with prices starting at $250, make a great gift.

QuilTee.comComfortHer Quilts

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