Report Alleges ex-DCFS Director Fraud

A report from the state inspector general alleges millions of taxpayer dollars were misappropriated by the friend of the Department of Children and Family Services' former director.

The report questions $95,847 in Bulls, White Sox and Cubs tickets purchased by contractor Dr. George E. Smith after being awarded millions in grant funds, including some from DCFS, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Former DCFS director Erwin McEwen “apparently ignored repeated ‘red flags’ that DCFS employees raised about Dr. Smith.” According to the report he also refused to cooperate in the investigation.

Gov. Pat Quinn on Tuesday told NBCChicago McEwen chose to resign in September after the report revealing the alleged wrongdoing ended up on the governor's desk.

Quinn said he would work to investigate where the money went.

"We're going to unearth all the information necessary to recoup that money," Quinn said during an interview about his veto of proposed casino legislation. "Part of my job is to clean up state government from top to bottom."

McEwen replied in a prepared statement, “There is no credible evidence that McEwen said or did anything inappropriate or unlawful.” He said the report's allegations “are all primarily individuals allegedly repeating what third parties allegedly told someone else.”

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