
Record Cold Expected in Chicago Next Week

Despite unseasonably cold weather this week, an arctic cold front will push across the area next week

Paul Deanno has a look at the weekend forecast for the Chicago area – and a peek at next week’s cold temperatures. 

Record-breaking cold is expected to breeze into the Chicago area next week, sending temperatures well-below freezing with wind chills reaching into the single digits. 

Despite unseasonably cold weather this week, an arctic cold front will push across the area next week sending temps plunging to levels nearly 25 or 30 degrees below-average. 

The forecast highs for Monday and Tuesday sit at 27 and 25 degrees, respectively, as of Friday. The record on each day is 28 degrees, with Monday's record dating back to 1894 and Tuesday's set in 1995. 

Factor in blustery winds and things could feel as cold as 4 degrees with winter still almost 40 days away. 

The temperatures are ones typically seen in January. 

In addition to the cold, accumulating snow is possible overnight Sunday and into Monday morning, according to early predictions, possibly leaving up to an inch or two of snow by the morning commute. 

Highs rebound slightly into the low-30s mid-week. 

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