Jurors Get View of Terror Plot Formation

Surveillance video used in preparation for attack on Danish newspaper shown in court.

It was literally a view into a terrorist plot being formed.

Jurors in the trial of Tahawuur Rana on Thursday saw videos recorded by David Coleman Headley in Copenhagen, Denmark that were part of his surveillance of the Jyllands-Posten newspaper offices in preparation for a brutal attack.

In one scene, a royal guard regiment can be seen marching by. On the witness stand, Headley told jurors that his handlers said they could increase the profile and the death toll of their attack by tossing a grenade into that daily parade.

Headley has repeatedly said he shared the details of Lashkar e-Taima terror plans with his old friend and business partner Tahawuur Rana.

Under cross examination, Rana's attorney, Charles Swift, questioned why his LET handlers would let him share such sensitive information with Rana who was not a member of the group.

"You violated everything you were taught when it came to Dr. Rana?" Swift asked.

"I violated some," Headley responded.

As the trial started, Swift said Headley's credibility would be "crucial."

On Thursday, Swift hammered away at that credibility, suggesting that Headley gave the government his friend to avoid the death penalty.

Headley has admitted to being one of the planners of the deadly Mumbai terror attacks in November of 2008. Those attacks happened only days after Rana visited the city on a previously planned trip.

"You told him that there were going to be attacks and he still wanted to come to India," Swift demanded.

"Yes," Headley said.

"Didn't he listen?," Swift asked.

Headley said he thought the attacks would be postponed like they been in the past.

Full Coverage: Rana & Headley
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