Rahm Proposes Stiffer Penalties In New Gun Ordinance

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says that when it comes to gun control, “we are going to be as good as we are comprehensive.”

The gun legislation Mayor Rahm Emanuel introduced Thursday was no surprise to anyone living in Chicago.

The weekend after the December massacre in Newtown, Conn., Emanuel called for a nationwide assault weapons ban and demanded swift action in his own city, which marked 500 murders on Dec. 28. Since then he vowed to propose "common sense" gun-control measures that would withstand legal challenges.

Emanuel on Thursday called the measures "steps that are necessary."

The steps include expanding the requirement for something Supt. Garry McCarthy has been urging for months: reporting the loss, theft, sale, transfer or destruction of a firearm. The ordinance also seeks an increase in penalties for those who fail to make a report, from 20-90 days in jail to a mandatory 90-180 days.

Penalties would increase for other types of violations as well, including possession of an assault weapon, which would increase from 20- to 90-days incarceration to mandatory 90-180 days. Sale or possession of high-capacity magazines and metal-piercing bullets or a firearm without a firearms permit would also fall under those penalties too.

Emanuel's office said the legislation complements the mayor's support of stronger gun-control regulations at the state and federal level, and Emanuel echoed that to reporters after the City Council meeting.

"Springfield must take action" he said, saying he's "proud of this action."

Emanuel this week told city pension funds to divest from gun manufacturers. He also openly supported President Barack Obama's gun-safety stance, saying “These are exactly the common sense laws that we need as a city and a nation to help prevent the gun violence that too often plagues our communities."


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