Mayor Fighting $13.5 Million Parking Bill

Mayor Rahm Emanuel isn't just handing out money willy-nilly.

Asked about the $13.5 million bill the city received from Chicago Parking Meters, Emanuel on Tuesday said it was being challenged.

"I just don't write blank to companies that say that's what we owe. I'm going to be the taxpayer watchdog," he said. "Just because they submit it doesn't mean that's what we're going to pay, and we're contesting that."

The parking company sent the city the massive bill to cover losses from people who used disability placards or license plates to park for free in metered spots between Feb. 28, 2010, and Feb. 28, 2011, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Tuesday after an analysis of records.

The parking-meter company didn’t gauge how many of those drivers were legitimately disabled -- though its surveys have city officials convinced that fraud played a major role in the bill being that high.

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