Action on Gambling Expansion Delayed

A casino bill that was expected to arrive on the floor of the Senate Wednesday was ultimately delayed, but behind-the-scenes efforts continue.

Senate President John Cullerton's office said he'll be at a meeting with Gov. Pat Quinn on Thursday morning.

If a bill ultimately comes up for a vote, it won't be the one that passed in May -- that bill has been legislatively held by Cullerton so the Quinn couldn't veto it -- but another bill, sponsored by Sen.  Terry Link (D-Waukegan), which purports to contain all the things Quinn has said he would accept in a gaming bill: fewer casinos, more oversight, and no slots at tracks.

Quinn's people argue the bill is a sham and a charade; a piñata being offered up so it can be knocked to the ground, and a way to try and embarrass the governor.

Link disputes that, and Republicans argue it's not a real bill.

But any way you cut it, a gaming bill is dead on arrival this veto session.

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