The Well-Intentioned Purse Snatcher

Thief needed money for Valentine’s Day gift

Even criminals can be romantic.

Donald Brown, 30, couldn't afford a fancy dinner or a nice gift for his wife this past Valentine's Day, so he devised a plan... rob two little old ladies.

Well, no one said it was a good plan.

On February 9, Brown followed an 82-year-old woman out of a grocery store in Glen Ellyn, snatched her purse, and knocked her to the ground. He then repeated the crime on the 14th, robbing a 78-year-old woman's purse.

Both victims suffered minor injuries.

Brown was sentenced Thursday to 10 years in prison for two counts of aggravated robbery. The charges were enhanced because of the victims' ages.

"It sends a strong message that if you prey on the elderly, you're going to get whacked," said DuPage County State's Attorney Joseph Birkett, according to the Sun-Times.

Brown pled guilty and told the judge "it was a dumb mistake."

It's the thought that counts, right?

Matt Bartosik is the editor of Off the Rocks' next issue and a "between blogs" blogger.

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